Shalat Hajat

Shalat Hajat is the Shalat of voluntary intent to do because there is an intent or purpose of which is very  important, so that what was needed was immediately granted by ALLAH Almighty.
While the work is voluntary Mu'akkad law, which is highly recommended for voluntary work for people who need them. As which has been described in the word of Allah which means:
"O those who believe, seek help (to ALLAH) with patience and sholat, for Allah is with those who patiently
(Surat al-Baqara: 153)
And also the word - in his letter Yusuf verse 87 which means:
"And do you despair of the Mercy of Allah, for verily none despair of the Mercy of Allah, except those who disbelieve"
In a hadith which in riwayatkan by Imam Ibn Majah Turmudzi and 'Abdullah bin Abi Auf ra also explained, that Rasull SAW had said what means:
"He who has the intent (the need) to ALLAH or to one of the sons of Adam, let him wudhunya perfect ablution and then shalat two rakaat, then let him say praise to ALLAH and say shalawat to the Prophet SAW, and then let him pray.
B. The virtue of Shalat Hajat
As with other voluntary shalat sunnat, shalat sunnat hajat also has also has a very big priority, that is for people who always start the good deeds with shalat sunnat hajat first then he will get a huge response at all, it is Allah's heaven As already described in the Hadiths of the Prophet SAW, which means:
"... That the Prophet once said to Bilal, after the shalat Shubuh as follows:
"O Bilal, tell me are you working in the practice of Islam is full of hope because I heard your sandals in front of me in heaven." Bilal replied that I never did an act which I expect kindness, but certainly I ablutions before, whether it is time night or day. After purification I shalat as much as I do I can do. " (HR. Imam Bukhari and Muslim)

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