@echo off
REM ipconfig to see config of NIC and gateway etc
ipconfig /all > %COMPUTERNAME%\ipconfig.txt
REM -rse switch to show tables and packet data
netstat -rse > %COMPUTERNAME%\netstat1.txt
REM -a for all current ports open and why
netstat -a > %COMPUTERNAME%\netstat2.txt
REM get list of shares open (winmsd will tell about drives mapped)
net use > %COMPUTERNAME%\netuse.txt
net user > %COMPUTERNAME%\netuser.txt
REM get netbios remote cache data
nbtstat -c > %COMPUTERNAME%\nbtstat.txt
nbtstat -n > %COMPUTERNAME%\nbtstat2.txt
REM programs listed in add/remove
regedit /e %COMPUTERNAME%\appsreg.txt HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
simpan dengan format .bat